5 Inexpensive Garden Edging Ideas


There are many ways to edge a garden, and most of them can be done quite cheaply. If you’re looking for some inexpensive ideas, here are five of the best.

1. Use stones or rocks to create a natural border

One way to create a natural border is to use stones or rocks. This can be an effective way to delineate different areas of your yard or garden, and it can also provide a visual anchor for your plantings. When choosing stones or rocks for your border, consider both the size and the color. Larger rocks will make a more dramatic statement, while smaller ones can be used to create a more delicate look. And, of course, you’ll want to choose stones or rocks that complement the overall design of your landscape. With a little planning, you can create a beautiful and functional natural border that will add interest to your yard for years to come.

2. Plant low-growing flowers or shrubs along the edge of your garden

Planting low-growing flowers or shrubs along the edge of your garden can provide a number of benefits. These plants can act as a barrier to keep out unwanted animals or pests, and they can also help to prevent soil erosion. Additionally, they can provide visual interest and add color to your garden. When choosing plants for the edge of your garden, be sure to select those that are well-suited to your climate and soil type. Once you have planted them, be sure to water them regularly and trim them back as needed. With a little care, these plants will help you create a beautiful and thriving garden.

3. Lay down a length of rope or string to delineate the edge of your garden

A well-defined garden edge can give your garden a neat and tidy appearance. It can also help to keep weeds and grass from encroaching on your planting area. One simple way to create a defined edge is to lay down a length of rope or string. You can use landscape Staples or U-shaped nails to secure the rope in place. Once the rope is in place, you can simply use a shovel or hoe to create a clean line along the edge. This method is quick and easy, and it provides a versatile solution that can be easily adjusted as your garden changes over time.

4. Place pots or planters along the perimeter of your garden

If you are looking for a way to add interest to your garden, consider placing pots or planters along the perimeter. This can be a great way to add color and texture, and it can also help to create a more defined space. Pots and planters come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and materials, so you should have no trouble finding something that suits your taste. When placing pots or planters along the perimeter of your garden, be sure to consider the height of the plants that you will be using. You want to make sure that the plants will not block the view of your garden from the outside. Also, be sure to place the pots or planters at an appropriate distance from one another so that they do not appear cluttered. With a little planning, you can easily use pots and planters to create a more interesting and inviting garden space.

5. Use recycled materials like bottles, cans, or old tires to create an eco-friendly border

Gardening can be very rewarding, but it can also be quite costly. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to reduce the cost of gardening while still being eco-friendly. One way to do this is by using recycled materials to create an eco-friendly border. Items such as bottles, cans, or old tires can be used to create a border that is both functional and stylish. In addition, using recycled materials is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help preserve our planet for future generations.


If you’re looking for a unique way to edge your garden, consider using stones or rocks. You can find stone borders at most garden centers, or you can create your own by collecting rocks from your local park or beach. For a more traditional look, plant low-growing flowers or shrubs along the edge of your garden bed. If you want a temporary border that you can move around as needed, lay down a length of rope or string. Finally, if you’re short on space, place pots or planters along the perimeter of your garden to create an instant border. Whatever type of border you choose, be sure to add some personality to it by incorporating recycled materials like bottles, cans, or old tires. You can also get in touch with us to see how we can help you with your project.