Premium ZAM® Steel Edging – Offering durability for an affordable price.
We are very excited to feature ZAM® in our range of steel edging.
ZAM® is high grade steel coated with a beautiful looking patented blend of Zinc, Aluminium & Magnesium capable of withstanding the most severe environment.
Incredibly affordable, revolutionary durability, clean designer looks, the same ever popular FormBoss™ install and forget system.
We guarantee our ZAM® edging range structurally for 15 years.
Developed by a large Japanese corrosion research and development team and extensively tested by the French corrosion institute, ZAM® was engineered for the automotive industry and designed for countries with the harshest weather conditions.
In tests conducted by the French corrosion’s institute ZAM® has been shown to dramatically outperform Galvanised steel in highly corrosive situations like marinas, boat sheds, industrial environments and even pool and spa areas.
What this means is ZAM®’s satin like finish gives a much brighter cleaner look compared to galvanised steels ‘mottled look’ and thanks to the process that goes into creating ZAM® that finish will last for many years to come and look as stunning as the day you installed it, adding value and aesthetic appeal.
In garden edging application’s our ZAM® Steel alternative gives you a bright modern finish perfect for enhanced clean straight lines and due to our unique FormBoss® design it’s also perfect for beautiful continuous sweeping curves.
The ZAM® coating on our steel edging uses the Nishin Steel R&D Laboratory’s specially developed blend of Zinc, Aluminium and Magnesium. These metals are bonded to the surface of the steel creating corrosion resistance at least 3 times that of Galvanised steel.
Even cut ends stay corrosion resistant since the ‘sacrificial’ anti-corrosive effect will null any corrosion on the uncoated cut ends. Gardening professionals will find ZAM® an effective and versatile edging product especially in corrosion prone coastal ares.
ZAM® is corrosion resistant and just as easy to work with as Galvanised steel. It is also compatible with concrete which means that how you use it is only limited by your imagination.
This is the next generation in coating technology and is the perfect upgrade to your next garden design project. Our ZAM® edging will create a finish you can be proud of, and that will continue to look brilliant, for many years to come.
Whether you are adding value to your own home or creating a masterpiece of garden design for a client ZAM®’s premiere finish and durability will advertise your landscaping expertise for years to come and enhance the beauty of your home for life.
Gauges Available: 2.0mm & 2.5mm. See our gauges page
Heights Available: 100mm, 150mm, 185mm, 230mm, 290mm, 390mm, & 580mm. See our profile page
Click here to download our 6 page material specification sheet provided by Wheeling – Nisshin.
Australian Made Galvanised Steel Edging – An affordable and durable edge.
Our Australian made BlueScope®, hot dipped Galvanised steel edging has a structural guarantee of 10 years, ensuring your confidence when purchasing and installing FormBoss®in your garden.
Galvanised steel will appear shiny and spangled when first purchased, however after a year or so the shine will dull down to a matte grey, all though you will still be able to notice the spangled effect. Galvanised steel edging blends in very well, as grey is a neutral colour and doesn’t take the focus off the plants and lines of the garden, it creates flawlessly separated contrasts in your design.
To get the most out of your Galvanised steel edging be sure to pick up some cold galvanised spray paint to cover the areas you screw or cut as doing this during the installation exposes the inner metal which needs to be covered to protect the longevity of the edging. If you notice some surface rust from being nicked with the mower or whipper snipper we recommend using a wire brush to brush down the area, ensure it’s dry, and then coating the areas generously with your cold galvanised paint.
We supply edging for practically all garden applications, our retail gauges are perfect for your garden borders around your family home, however if you require something stronger for commercial pathways or concrete formwork, our industrial strength gauges will stand up to the most severe conditions and will last up to 40 years in the ground.
Gauges Available: 1.6mm, 2.0mm, 2.5mm. See our gauges page
Heights Available: 75mm, 100mm, 150mm, 185mm, 230mm, 290mm, 390mm, & 580mm. See our profile page
Introducing BlueScope® REDCOR® steel, the Australian Made “corten” weathering steel
For that organic rustic look:
Weathering steel is often generically referred to as “corten” due to the long standing trademark COR-TEN® owned by U.S. Steel. In 1935 this copper steel alloy was developed to eliminate the need for painting large bridge structures. “corten” steel forms a stable rust-like appearance when exposed to the weather.
Until recently “corten” steel was only available as a hot rolled imported product. The quality and source at times being highly variable.
FormBoss™ is privileged to now lead the market in supplying REDCOR® steel as a replacement to imported weathering steels. Proudly made in Australia by BlueScope®, REDCOR® steel is cold rolled and has been specifically developed for Australian harsh conditions. Its cleaner to work with and displays an overall better uniform finish than imported alternatives.
This steel has an increased resistance to corrosion as it forms a protective layer of oxide on its surface which regenerates as required over the steels life.
REDCOR® steel will appear light grey almost polished when first purchased off the shelf. This is simply because it is supplied to us with a thin film of oil on the outer layer, ensuring it doesn’t start rusting on the shelf. It will take anywhere from a few weeks to 4 months to get an even coating of rust.
This is what it looks like before exposure to weather.
REDCOR® steel will appear blotchy for several months before you get a nice even coating of colour. Slight variations in colour will occur, this is due to differences in soil, air conditions and can vastly vary depending on your location. Colours can range from dark orange to a rich dark brown. Over time it will continue to darken until you are left with a stunning, textured brown.
Above picture: Paal Grant designs Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show Gold Award Winner
Since the release of our weathered corten steel edging it has fast become one of our most popular ranges, notably in our large profile heights. These can be used not only as small retaining walls but also able to be manufactured to create raised garden beds and circular tree surrounds, with our experienced special production team able to produce elaborate custom shapes, there is no limit to what we can create.
Gauges Available: 1.6mm & 2.0mm. See our gauges page
Heights Available: 75mm, 100mm, 150mm, 185mm, 230mm, 290mm, 390mm, 580mm and 850mm (available only in standard sized rings) See our profile page
Stainless Steel
Special order only
We do not actively stock Stainless steel garden edging on the shelves, as we have more cost-effect alternatives such as ZAM® steel that offer very similar corrosion resistance. If your project does demand Stainless steel please give one of our knowledgeable staff a call to discuss your Stainless steel requirements. (minimum order quantities imposed)
Gauges Available: 1.2mm, 1.6mm, 2.0mm.
Heights Available: 75mm, 100mm, 150mm, 185mm, 230mm, 290mm, 390mm, 580mm & custom.